R.C Esco
Writer | Poet | Storyteller
R.C Esco is a lifelong reader, writer, and lover of the written word who has wanted to be an author since before she could spell.
She earned an MFA in Creative Writing in Fiction while serving as the Managing Editor for her university's literary magazine. After graduation, she went on to volunteer as a fiction submission reader at another magazine while voraciously reading anything she could get her hands on and writing and editing her own work around her full-time job.
She has spent the last few years working on her novels, though she still writes literary short stories, poems, children's books, and other miscellaneous things.
Several of her poems and few short stories have gained publication in various journals and magazines. Now her main focus is on pursuing the popular fiction novel.
To follow along on her journey, please follow on Instagram and check back here for any updates.​​
Hello! Below are the main writing projects I'm currently working on as well as some of my goals for myself. My hope is that by sharing them in this public way, I will be able to encourage others and be encouraged myself not to lost sight of them! - R.C Esco
2025 goals:
- Query new adult romantic suspense novel
- Begin editing adult romantasy novel
- Potentially begin editing adult contemporary romance
- Finish new adult Christian romantic comedy
- Begin new adult contemporary romance
- Submit literary fiction to at least 5 magazines/contests
- Submit poetry to at least 5 magazines/contests
- Attend another writing workshop
- Edit and polish new adult romantic suspense/get editor feedback/pitch to agents
- Illustrate first children's book
- Outline new novel ideas
- Submit literary fiction to 3 magazines
- Submit poetry to 3 magazines
- Attend at least 1 writing workshop
- get one new piece published